Thursday, May 20, 2010

Letters From Honduras

Beautifully embellished letters arrive faithfully from our friends in Honduras, whom we have the privilege to serve in a very small way. What we receive in return is worth so much more!

There's just something about a handwritten letter. And these with their lovely borders always make our hearts happy.

How precious is this little guy? His sweet mother is the writer and artist. Looking forward to our next treasure in the mail!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day At Swanson's

My sweet family took me to Swanson's Nursery in Seattle on Mother's Day for a sunny afternoon of plant shopping. We brought home so many beautiful treasures for our garden:
~Himalayan Honeysuckle
~Bridal Wreath



~Jacob's Ladder


~Japanese Maple

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Shirt Says It All

And they're scratch 'n sniff...

Monday, May 3, 2010

Dad's Buttons Go To Australia

I got a request last week to send a wholesale order of the antler buttons to a lady who is opening a store in Australia in the fall. How exciting to have a little bit of our handiwork halfway around the world! I hope they arrive safely; I've never packed up a bunch of cards to be sent so far without bending or crumpling. I used a large amount of tape and cardboard!

Hoping the Aussie customers enjoy their bit of the Pacific Northwest!