Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Mouse Dress more of a top now really. But it's still fun to wear.

Grandma made this one for my girls. My sister had one when she was just a wee one, and it was passed on to many little friends, and then on to their little ones. There's a rumor that it's still floating around somewhere.


  1. I am surprised that the little mouse is still attached to the pocket! Yikes! I can hardly believe my eyes ~ look how big Miss M is getting! I am needing a grandbaby fix!
    Luv ya, all!

  2. How sweet... little one, mouse and dress! Miss M is getting bigger ~ just in the time I have been following your blog I see a difference!

  3. Adorable.... :)

    Love~ Miss Jen

  4. So darling! I think I vaguely remember the mouse dress you mentioned from several decades ago (yikes!)... so very cute. Is the mouse attached with rick-rack, and does he detach to go through the laundry? Maybe you need to tell Grandma that she should add some mouse dresses to her Etsy shop. :)

  5. You will think me a mad old thing, but I swear, if I had that right now in my size, I'd be wearing it around the house all the time! That is THE cutest thing I've ever seen!

  6. You know you could make a fortune if you made and marketed those, don't you? You could use different patterns and different animals—a cat on one, a flower on another, a BEE!

  7. My god-daughter is having a baby this month. I would put in an order for a hand-made pet-pocket dress right now, if it were available. (If it's a boy, we'll need to rethink that of course.)


Honey, bee sweet and leave us a little note, won't you?