Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Mouse Dress more of a top now really. But it's still fun to wear.

Grandma made this one for my girls. My sister had one when she was just a wee one, and it was passed on to many little friends, and then on to their little ones. There's a rumor that it's still floating around somewhere.


  1. I am surprised that the little mouse is still attached to the pocket! Yikes! I can hardly believe my eyes ~ look how big Miss M is getting! I am needing a grandbaby fix!
    Luv ya, all!

  2. How sweet... little one, mouse and dress! Miss M is getting bigger ~ just in the time I have been following your blog I see a difference!

  3. Adorable.... :)

    Love~ Miss Jen

  4. So darling! I think I vaguely remember the mouse dress you mentioned from several decades ago (yikes!)... so very cute. Is the mouse attached with rick-rack, and does he detach to go through the laundry? Maybe you need to tell Grandma that she should add some mouse dresses to her Etsy shop. :)


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