Friday, July 23, 2010


A misty, chilly trip to the shore while visiting the Pacific Beach "Greats". This is the beach where Daddy grew up! Plastic bags from Grandma in hand (she says, "You never know when you might find something you can't live without!"), we patrol the sand in search of treasure. We come home with some broken shells and, oh joy! oh rapture!...a PINK golf ball!

My biggest kid. =)

Literally combing the beach...

Venturing farther into the surf...

and farther...



  1. Well, I had a lovely big long comment for you but my computer crashed just as I was posting it! I'll try to remember some of what I said.

    It is always fun to spend the day at the beach even if it is misty and chilly! Funny that it is that way when it is hot and sunny inland!
    One little miss sure isn't afraid of the surf! She reminds me of her Auntie Shan ~ fearless!
    Their little outfits are perfect for a summer day of 'beach combing'! I do wonder, though, what they will do with a pink golf ball? (Oh swoon and simper ~ it's miss R's favorite color!)Surely daddy won't want it for golfing! (Gasp!)
    Glad you got to visit with Gram and Grampa T!
    Luv ya'll lots!

  2. Looks like a fun time was had by all : )


Honey, bee sweet and leave us a little note, won't you?