Monday, February 28, 2011

Snow Flurries

Ready, set, go! Sledding is serious business as you can see by the look of concentration on Pea's face. Or maybe that's just because she's snacking on a handful of snow.

Mama may or may not have ventured down the hill a couple of times, too.

Making the snow angels. Rae had to make a "choir of angels."

After the fun, the snowsuits are hung to dry by the fire...

and we enjoy hot cocoa with enormous marshmallows to warm us to our toes. I followed the recipe on the back of the Hershey's cocoa can, but added some cinnamon with the sugar (left over from baking snickerdoodles.) Yum.

1 comment:

  1. Precious... so precious!! :)
    It was a delight to visit you!

    Love~ Miss Jen


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