Friday, October 9, 2009

A Whole Decade of Wedded Bliss

It's been anything but boring!


  1. Oh! That is too funny! I have never seen that picture! Has he woke up yet?

  2. Happy Anniversary to you both!!
    Hope you have a lovely Anniversary!
    I SO enjoyed the pictures... hehe :D

    What a beautiful bride you were...
    your flowers were gorgeous
    and I love your dress SO elegant... :)

    May the Lord grant you many, many
    more years together!!!!

    With Much Love~ Miss Jen

  3. Ah, I remember that day all too well, the rain, no place to keep dry (unless you were one of the privileged to squeeze into the one shelter), the issue with the harp, driving the Shoemakers back to Union, then back to the wedding, the COLD rain (did I already mention that?) yet Michele was positively glowing the whole time (you can even see it in the photo above, like an aura around her) and just look at that smile. Congratulations on 10 years, the next 10 will be all the better.

  4. Happy Anniversary.....a bit belated : )


Honey, bee sweet and leave us a little note, won't you?