Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Vintage Mouse Dress

This is the original. Worn almost 30 years ago by Auntie Shan. It's been passed to friends, and children of friends, and though it is looking a bit well~loved, still has plenty of good playtime left in it.

I love the little knot in his tail. I wonder what milestone in his life it marks.


  1. Awww.... precious! :)
    What an adorable dress. *happy sigh*

    Love~ Miss Jen

  2. How very sweet! And still going strong, wow!



  3. I think at least a dozen different little girls have worn that dress! They don't make fabric like that anymore!
    Little Miss M is growing up so ~ I thought it was a picture of her sister ~ her hair is growing so long!
    I wonder what she is thinking of that mouse! And that is the perfect outfit for squeezing behind the couch!
    Interesting photo of her back?! What is that about?
    Didn't the mouse's tail used to be longer and sewn into the pocket? I think perhaps the story about how his tail got short and free of the pocket is the *milestone* knot!
    Luv ya!

  4. Oh Michele, how sweet and the model is especially sweet :)

    Have a Blessed Resurrection Day!


  5. Is that really the SAME mouse???? Wow, what memories!! Who'd a thunk, Raeann!!
    Michele, you have such an amazing mama! And you've followed in her footsteps. Your babies are so fortunate!! God is good. Happy Easter to you all!


Honey, bee sweet and leave us a little note, won't you?