Friday, April 9, 2010

Aaahhh, Bath Time...

Caution: "fowl" video follows, involving outdoor bathing. ;)

This little chickie enjoyed her dust bath immensely! Just listen to her contented sigh as she tells all about her busy day.

Now these little chickies desperately need a bath, too!

And finally, this chick is going to enjoy a nice, long soak in the tub. Aaahhh...


  1. There's a lot of personality in those teeny little pea brains of theirs! That was hilarious! The chicken was funny, too! (haha ~ just kidding! Kind of a "fowl" remark!) :>
    Luv y'all lots!

  2. aww... listen to her talking to you! My oldest daughter has 6 chickens that are getting bigger now and I am having so much fun with them. Wish I lived where I could have a few but I imagine I will be getting lots of eggs from her soon.

    Your little girls are adorable! Always warms my heart to stop by!
    Kindly, ldh

  3. I know Jesus tells me not to covet, BUT man am I jealous of your bathtub : )

  4. I can't believe how much your girls are growing! I'm sorry I haven't commented in a while. I'm so glad to be back in the loop.
    LoVe & PrAyErS,

  5. Love this post! :)
    Your girls are SO cute!! :)
    Yes~ there is nothing like
    a nice hot bath. ;)

    Love & Blessings~ Miss Jen


Honey, bee sweet and leave us a little note, won't you?