Monday, April 19, 2010

A Blissful Monday

Laundry on the clothesline...

...and a profusion of flowers from two wee garden fairies.


  1. ah, laundry on the clothesline - isn't it the best!? I hung out sheets yesterday too. Delightful!

  2. Oh I cannot wait for that day when I can hang laundry out :) The flowers are just precious!

    Have a blessed day Michele!


  3. Sweetest bouquet...
    a favorite verse of mine:

    A rose can say I love you,
    Orchids can enthrall
    But a weed bouquet in a chubby fist
    Oh, my, that says it all

    (not sure of author)

    So nice visiting with you!

  4. Keeping to your weekly schedule, I see! It's so good to have a plan. Somehow, mine always fall apart!
    I think I know which fairie picked which flower! And one probably has a yellow nose! :<D

    These other gals are early risers! Racing to see who would be the first commenter on your post, perhaps!

    Luv ya!


Honey, bee sweet and leave us a little note, won't you?